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Unassigned characters from the Pickwick Papers

Miss Allen
Arabella Allen's aunt.
Arabella Allen
Bewitching black-eyed sister of Ben Allen.
Mr. Ayresleigh
A middle-aged debtor detained at Mr. Namby's.
The One-Eyed Bagman
A story-teller with a roguish expression of fun and good-humour.
Jack Bamber
Friend of Mr. Lowten, teller of "The Old Man's Tale about the Queer Client."
Martha Bardell
Comely widow of agreeable appearance, Mr. Pickwick's landlady.
Tommy Bardell
Mrs. Bardell's young son.
Mrs. Raddles's servant.
Prince Bladud
The unhappy son of King Lud.
Mr. Blotton
Of Aldgate, an argumentative member of the Club.
Mr. Serjeant Buzfuz
Barrister for the plaintiff in Bardell v. Pickwick.
Dingley Dell Clergyman
A bald-headed, good-humoured benevolent gentleman.
Elizabeth Cluppins
Mrs. Bardell's brisk, busy-looking friend.
Mrs. Craddock
Mr. Pickwick's landlady at Bath.
Tom Cripps
Bob Sawyer's young servant at Bristol.
Mr. Dowler
A fierce-looking former army officer who visits Bath with the Pickwickians.
Mrs. Dowler
His pretty and agreeable wife.
Mr. Dubbley
Leader of a division of special constables in Ipswich.
John Edmunds
The young convict in "The Convict's Return."
Wilkins Flasher
A stockbroker.
Domestic accomplice to Mrs. Pott.
Gabriel Grub
A morose sexton carried away by goblins.
Daniel Grummer
A special constable in Ipswich.
Mr. Gunter
Guest of Bob Sawyer.
Mr. Harris
An obsequious Bath greengrocer.
George Heyling
The "Queer Client," a debtor with a passion for revenge.
Jack Hopkins
Medical student and friend of Bob Sawyer.
Lud Hudibras
The mighty King of Britain.
Anthony Humm
President of the Brick Lane Branch of the United Grand Junction Ebenezer Temperance Association.
Leo Hunter
The grave husband of Mrs. Leo Hunter, The Den, Eatanswill.
Mrs. Leo Hunter
Hostess and author of "Ode to an Expiring Frog."
Jem Hutley ('Dismal Jemmy')
A lank, seedy actor, Job Trotter's brother.
Mr. Jackson
Clerk to Messrs. Dodson and Fogg.
Mr. Jinks
Clerk to Mr. Nupkins.
Joe ('The Fat Boy')
Mr. Wardle's servant, who sleeps and eats prodigiously.
The dying clown in "The Stroller's Tale."
Mr. Lobbs
A wealthy and terrible-tempered saddler.
Maria Lobbs
His playful and bright-eyed daughter.
Mr. Lowten
Clerk to Mr. Perker.
Peter Magnus
The jealous suitor of Miss Witherfield.
Mr. Martin
Arabella's aunt's surly groom.
Jack Martin
The one-eyed bagman's uncle.
The pretty housemaid at Mr. Nupkins's, later maid to Arabella Allen.
Mr. Miller
A little hard-headed man, guest at Dingley Dell.
Footman to Mr. Nupkins, who keeps company with the cook.
Mr. Namby
A gorgeously-dressed sheriff's deputy.
Mr. Noddy
Guest of Bob Sawyer.
Mrs. Nupkins
Haughty, ill-natured wife to the Mayor of Ipswich.
George Nupkins Esq.
The mayor and principal magistrate of Ipswich.
Henrietta Nupkins
His socially ambitious daughter.
Doctor Payne
Of the 43rd Regiment, a friend of Doctor Slammer.
Mr. Perker
Of Gray's Inn, solicitor to Mr. Pickwick and agent for Mr. Slumkey at Eatanswill.
Mr. Phunkey
Junior associate of Mr. Serjeant Snubbin in Bardell v. Pickwick.
Samuel Pickwick
A retired businessman, founder of the Pickwick Club.
Nathaniel Pipkin
A harmless, inoffensive parish clerk, enamoured of Maria Lobbs.
Mrs. Pott
His wife, a domineering woman prone to hysterics.
Mr. Price
A coarse, vulgar young man, detained at Mr. Namby's.
Servant to an elderly scientific gentleman residing on the Bristol Downs.
Mr. Raddle
Mrs. Raddle's timid husband.
Mary Ann Raddle
Bob Sawyer's landlady in Lant Street; Mrs. Cluppins's sister.
Mrs. Rogers
A lodger at Mrs. Bardell's.
Mrs. Susannah Sanders
Mrs. Bardell's fat, heavy-faced friend.
Bob Sawyer
A boisterous medical student, later practising in Bath.
Frank Simmery
A betting gentleman.
Doctor Slammer
Surgeon to the 97th Regiment, Chatham Barracks.
The Hon. Samuel Slumkey
Of Slumkey Hall, Blue candidate for Parliament.
Mr. Slurk
Stern editor of the Eatanswill Independent.
Tom Smart
A traveller for Bilson and Slum, and friend of the bagman's uncle.
John Smauker
Footman to Angelo Cyrus Bantam, M.C.
Mr. Smouch
Mr. Namby's shabby assistant.
Mr. Serjeant Snubbin
Barrister for Mr. Pickwick.
Mr. Justice Stareleigh
Presiding judge in Bardell v. Pickwick.
Lieutenant Tappleton
Doctor Slammer's second.
Miss Tomkins
The "lady abbess" of Westgate House Establishment for Young Ladies.
Mr. Trundle
Mr. Wardle's son-in-law, husband of Isabella.
Mr. Tuckle ('Blazes')
Crimson-liveried footman at Bath.
Tracy Tupman
A romantic, portly, middle-aged bachelor.
Mr. Wardle
The hearty and hospitable owner of Manor Farm, Dingley Dell.
Mrs. Wardle
Mr. Wardle's elderly mother, sometimes deaf.
Emily Wardle
His lively, flirtatious daughter.
Isabella Wardle
His amiable and lovely daughter, who marries Mr. Trundle.
Rachael Wardle
Mr. Wardle's spinster sister, of uncertain age.
Samuel Weller
Cockney boots at White Hart Inn, Pickwick’s manservant.
Susan Clarke Weller
Tony Weller's second wife, Sam Weller's "mother-in-law," and mistress of the Marquis of Granby, Dorking.
Mr. Whiffers
A select footman in orange plush.
Mr. Winkle, Senior
A Birmingham warfinger.
Miss Witherfield
A middle-aged lady in yellow curl-papers.
Bro. Tadger
A little man in the drab shorts

